Saturday, October 5, 2013

People and Their Art: Aborigine Art

This year's Annual Art Show will showcase "People and Their Art".  Different grades will focus on different cultures.  My 5th grade Students are looking at Australian's native people and their art.  We looked at posters of Aborigine art and watched a DVD by Peggy Flores on creating art inspired by the Aborigine's.

Student's enjoyed learning about the Aborigine's exray style art and began to plan what Australian animal they would create in this style.  After they drew a preliminary drawing they drew on colored construction paper.  Next they drew the "exray" of their animal and divided their background.  The fun part was coloring the spaces in with colored pencils and then adding marker patterns over top.  Most all students agree that the end products are very impressive.  Students are looking forward to their second Aborigine inspired artwork.  We will watch the second half of Flores DVD and then plan for our dot style dream painting.